Imphal: ‘Imagi Meira’ has slammed security advisor Kuldeip Singh and DGP Manipur Rajiv Singh on ‘U-turn statement’ over planned attack in Manipur by 900 armed Myanmar based militants, setting the day of September 28.

Imagi Meira convenor Thokchom Sujata lambasted the security authorities for providing contradictory statements regarding the infiltration from Myanmar.

Talking to reporters at the Manipur Press Club, here on Friday, Thokchom Sujata said, the conflict, which has persisted for more than a year, has intensified to the point where Kuki militants have acquired the capability to launch drone attacks on Meitei-populated areas.

“Is it proper to give contradictory statement by security chiefs,” she asked.

“Kuldiep initially confirmed entry of the militants, which was later withdrawn following threats of agitation from Kuki bodies. We cannot stay silent anymore,” Sujata said.

“If Meitei are attacked on September 28 or the following days, the responsibility lies squarely on the security advisor and DGP,” Sujata warned.

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