Imphal: The Joint Action Committee (JAC) formed in connection with the Kakwa Naorem Leikai incident has imposed a 24-hour general strike from Saturday midnight till Sunday midnight.

Speaking to reporters at RIMS, Imphal on Saturday, JAC convenor Naorem William said that the JAC members met with gynecologist Dr. Usharani. When asked about the delivery of the fetus by a critically ill patient on ventilator support, she explained that the doctors administered medication for two days, and due to internal muscle contractions, the fetus was delivered.

The mother, Naorem Ongbi Sanjita, remained in critical condition and was undergoing treatment in the RIMS ICU ward with ventilator support.

William said, since the violence erupted, many people residing at the foothills have sought refuge in the safer valley areas. Despite the security forces’ stringent actions in the valley, even an unborn child has died.

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