Imphal: Manipur government has extended public holiday till Thursday in wake of alarming flood in the state.

A government order issued on Wednesday said the government declares Thursday as public holiday in continuation of the order served on Tuesday for all government offices including public sector undertakings, corporations, autonomous bodies, societies under the Government of Manipur and financial institutions.

General public has been appealed to stay indoors and not to move out except for emergency so that the authorities can carry out the rescue and relief works smoothly.

Departments involved in rescue and relief operation and essential services namely, Home, Police, Fire Services, District Administration, Relief and Disaster Management, Power, Health and Family Welfare, PHE, Water Resources, PWD, GAD, CAF and PD, MI, Forests, LDA, etc., shall remain a working day, the order said.

Employees of all the other departments should be available on phone call for any eventuality, it said.

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