Imphal: Researchers from Manipur University and the Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development developed a new cancer treatment composition, a major cancer biology breakthrough.

Dr. Thiyam Ramsing Singh, Prof. Lisam Shanjukumar Singh, Dr. Ch. Brajakishor Singh, and Dr. Thangjam Davis Singh have developed an anticancer composition that could revolutionize cancer treatment.

Their innovation and research earned them a patent (Patent No. 540410 “Anticancer composition”). Cisplatin, a common chemotherapeutic agent, kills cancer cells initially, but it often causes relapse and creates cisplatin-resistant tumours. Due to severe adverse toxicity, use of greater chemotherapeutic doses are limited. Finally, medication resistance eliminates therapy options. Many researchers are trying to convert drug-resistant cancer cells to drug-sensitive ones, said a statement released by Manipur University PRO on Monday.

“The scientists extracted planispine A from Zanthoxylum armatum DC. (Rutaceae), also known as winged prickly ash or mukthrubi in Manipuri. Planispine A with cisplatin improved the efficacy of cisplatin by at least 5.5 fold and rendered cancer cells more susceptible to it. Molecular analysis of this synergistic interaction indicated that planispine A inhibits the DNA repair pathway that repairs cisplatin-induced interstrand DNA cross-links.”

“This innovation may lead to new anticancer treatments and chemo-prevention. The team’s research has opened up planispine A’s potential to treat numerous cancers. The breakthrough gives cancer patients new hope by improving chemotherapeutic drug efficacy and reducing side effects. This is a milestone in cancer biology and a credit to the research team’s dedication and expertise. This discovery may improve cancer treatment and quality of life as cancer remains a major health issue.”

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