People’s action committee serves 48-hr ultimatum to handover bodies of ‘murdered youths’

Imphal: Joint action committee (JAC) against the Brutal Killing of two students Phijam Hemanjit Singh and Lunangbi Linthoingamhi Hijam by Kuki Militants, have served a 48 hours ultimatum to Manipur government to handover the bodies of the youth to their families.

The joint action committee was formed on Tuesday during a meeting at  Young Progressive Club, Takyel Kolom Leikaigi Community Hall, Imphal West.

The duo, residents of Imphal West, went missing on July 6. Their pictures of lying death and before murder with two Kuki militants in arms went viral on Monday. This has enraged the Meitei community.

The people’s committe strongly presses the government to take up concrete steps for action against the killers.

“Now, the evidence is available. The case with CBI can be concluded and punish the guilty,” the committe said in a statement.

The people’s committee cautioned to uproar with people and voluntary organisations if the government fails to fulfill the demands.

Manipur has been in chaos since the outbreak of Meitei-Kuki clash on May 3.

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