25 youths fly to Delhi to press MLAs in mission

Imphal: A team of 25 youths have departed Imphal Delhi to press the MLAs of Manipur who went to meet the central leaders on September 14.

Twenty-three MLAs moved to Delhi to apprise the central leaders the present issue of Manipur and bring back normalcy, after the Youth of Manipur pressed the state legislators to play their role to end Manipur crisis that began on May 3.

In some media report it is reported that MLAs who are stationed at the national capital will not returned to Imphal until they meet the central leaders. Since then the MLAs are not able to get appointment.

One of the youths who were among the part of the team told reporters that the present crisis seems to have some conspiracy of divide and rule policy. MLAs including chief minister N. Biren Singh have met the central leaders several times, however, the central government is not able to solve the crisis.

“If the central government does not bother on the issue, there is no need for the central government’s role in Manipur”, he said.

The youths will not come back and they will continue their pressure to the MLAs who are station at Delhi to meet the central leaders and bring an amicable solution, he added.

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