Uniting for Peace: Global Manipur Federation Calls for Solidarity at The Hague on August 26

Imphal: Global Manipur Federation has announced to organise a Peace Prayer event at The Hague, Netherlands on August 26 in response to the ongoing turmoil in Manipur.

The Global Manipur Federation Central Europe Chapter says it is taking a resolute step towards fostering unity and harmony.

The solidarity Peace Prayer event would stand as a beacon of hope for the affected people amidst the trying times, the federation said in press release on Tuesday.

The Peace Prayer will take place from 14:00 to 16:00, in front of the historic Peace Palace in The Hague.

The federation invites all members of the Manipuri and Indian communities residing in Central Europe to join in this significant event, as ambassadors of peace and healing for the troubled homeland Manipur.

This occasion holds a deep significance, marking the sombre 116th day since the eruption of violence on May 3 in the state, it said.

The Peace Prayer will commence with a solemn two-minute silence, followed by poignant narratives highlighting the challenges faced by Manipur during this crisis.

“We will collectively raise our voices in a powerful call for peace, seeking the restoration of normalcy for the affected victims and the civilians caught in the distressing situation,” the federation said.

The program will culminate in a symbolic walking rally from the Peace Palace to the Parliament House, Netherlands, signifying our unwavering commitment to advocate for peace on every platform available to ‘us’, it added.

“To our dear brothers and sisters in Manipur, we want you to know that even from afar, we stand together in solidarity. We firmly believe that justice will prevail, and peace will once again return to Manipur.”

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