Prayer for Manipur peace at Raj Bhavan

Imphal: ​A mass interfaith prayer meeting convened by Governor of Manipur, Anusiya Uikey was held on Wednesday at Darbar Hall of Raj Bhavan. 

Religious leaders of Sanamahi Laining, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jain, Rongmei and Brahmakumaris along with the governor prayed to the Almighty for speedy restoration of peace and harmony in Manipur. 

The religious leaders recited their sermons and prayed for love and strength among the communities and to live together with peace and brotherhood forever. 

Appreciating the Interfaith Forum for such initiatives, the governor said, may the prayer meeting be the light of hope for all the communities in the state so that an atmosphere of mutual trust and brotherhood be restored.

She said, God will give us the strength of togetherness by removing hatred amongst both the communities so that peace and harmony can be restored in the state. 

The governor asked the Forum members to organise such prayer meetings at different places and even at the relief camps. She also appealed the leaders to talk to the people in the relief camps to help them removing fear, frustration and to organise yoga, meditation classes.

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