Zoramthanga is provocative, highly irresponsible: PAPPM

Imphal: The participation of Mizoram’s chief minister Zoramthanga Chawngthu in the Solidarity March in Aizawl on July 25 demanding balkanization of Manipur was not only provocative but also highly irresponsible, says People’s Alliance for Peace and Progress, Manipur (PAPPM). nike air max 90 womens custom jerseys adidas promo code custom jerseys new nike air max nike air max 90 nike air max correlate nfl san francisco 49ers cheap nfl jerseys nike air max 97 cheap jerseys nike air max 90 nike air maxes 97 best wig outlet cheap nfl jerseys

Such a provocation is completely uncalled for from someone holding a position of great constitutional responsibility. Instead of the provocatory act, he could have focused on promoting peace and normalcy in Manipur, which would have been appreciated by the people of Manipur. Unfortunately, his action only added fuel to the already volatile situation in the state, the peace people’s alliance said.

By participating in the rally which displayed abusive and slanderous words about Manipur chief minister N. Biren Singh, he has become an accomplice to the “forced displacements” of Meiteis from Chin-Kuki dominated areas by Chin-Kuki militants and their supporters and then attempt to villainize Biren Singh and Meiteis to coverup their crimes, it added. 

It has now become a common knowledge that the forced displacement of Meiteis and subsequent acts of violence was a pre-planned act to ensure illegal poppy plantation and opium manufacturing without interference from the government of Manipur. “Zoramthanga is also well aware of mass Poppy cultivation in the forest areas of Mizoram, which he hardly interferes. From the look of it, we believe he’s a partner to the crime that threatens India’s national security,” it said.

As a CM of neighboring state Manipur, Zoramthanga should have demonstrated wisdom and responsibility. His participation in the rally has the impact of inciting the Chin-Kuki community across India in their violent aggression against the Meiteis, thus, carries the potential to spread the ongoing unrest to the entire North East India, it added.

It is also quite evident that he is using the ongoing tension in Manipur for political gain in Mizoram’s forthcoming elections by projecting himself as a champion for the cause of the Kuki-Chin-Mizo people. By projecting himself as a champion for the cause, he must also realize that he has become a complicit to the crimes that Kuki-Chin militants have committed and he has become a supporter of narco-terrorism which is being unfolded in the North-East India. His action of exploiting a human tragedy for political gain is highly condemnable, it added.

It said it understands that Zoramthanga has taken a solid stand of encouraging refugees from Myanmar which will jeopardize not only the future of Mizo people but for the whole Northeast. Your words, “I announced in the assembly that we will not deport them (Myanmar refugees), but will rather give them shelter and food” will surely come back one day and haunt the Mizo people, it said.

“We need not remind you that the statement came at a time when the MNF government under your leadership was unable to pay regular salaries of the Mizoram government employees. All you see is the crores of rupees that’s bound to come from the Government of India in the name of humanity.”

PAPPM appeals Zoramathanga not to be short-sighted and to stop the encouragement of the Kuki-Chin militants and their supporters to commit further crimes against humanity. 

“The impact of the crimes of forceful displacements of Meiteis from Chin-Kuki dominated areas and subsequent violent aggression against Meiteis is a blunder which should be corrected as soon as possible to save future generations from a cycle of violence. And attempting to throw the Mizos in this cycle of violence is not a wise step,” PAPPM said

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