‘12,584 Chin-Kuki-Zo from Manipur flee to Mizoram’

Imphal: Mizoram Home department on Saturday said till Friday 12,584 Chin-Kuki-Zo from Manipur have fled to Mizoram seeking safety and refuge. 

The government of Mizoram has been closely following the developments in Manipur in the wake of the ethnic conflict which has engulfed the neighbouring state since May, a press release by the Home department said on Saturday.

The Home department held a number of meetings with representatives of All Mizoram Manipuri Association assuring them of their safety and security in Mizoram. Further, till date no incident of violence or untoward incident has been reported.

In view of the Press Release issued by Peace Accord MNF Returnees Association (PAMRA) which was construed and reported in some section of the press as a diktat to leave Mizoram, the Home commissioner, Pu H. Lalengmawia, IAS held a meeting with representatives of PAMRA in his office chamber on Saturday. In the meeting, PAMRA representatives clarified that the Press Release that was issued by them was an advisory requesting Meiteis living in Mizoram to exercise caution in the light of public sentiments regarding the ongoing ethnic conflict in Manipur and was not a diktat or a quit notice to Meiteis, the Mizoram government press release said.

After the Home commissioner informed representatives of PAMRA about the steps and measures being taken by the government on various fronts regarding the ethnic conflict, PAMRA representatives while expressing regret that their Press Release was misconstrued, decided not to pursue with their Press statement any further in order to maintain peace and tranquility in the state, it added.

Following this meeting, the Home commissioner met with representatives of All Mizoram Manipuri Association and assured them of their safety and security and not be misguided by rumors and also persuaded them to inform their fellow Meiteis both Government employees and students not to leave the state due to the unfortunate misinterpretation of the Press Statement.

Peace Accord MNF Returnees’ Association (PAMRA) had warned Meiteis to leave Mizoram

The world knows the horrific treatment meted out to Manipur’s Zo-ethnic minority. “The majority Meitei community’s treatment of the Zo-ethnic minority in Manipur has created significant anguish among the Mizo community. As a result, the Meitei community is no longer safe in Mizoram.”

PAMRA, a former militant organisation in Mizoram, had advised Meiteis camping in Mizoram to leave for their own safety. “They will bear responsibility if they do not leave and something unpleasant happens to them.”

All Manipur United Club Organisation (AMUCO) expressed serious concern to the issue in Mizoram as some Mizo CSOs has warned them to leave the state.

Talking to reporters at its Kwakeithel office on Saturday, President of AMUCO, Nando Luwang said such warning to Meitei people by CSOs of Mizoram is very unfortunate. He said Mizoram has always been a peace-loving state and such warning by CSOs has made AMUCO and Manipur state worried. “Any untoward incident happening out of this threat must be held responsible by the Mizoram Government.”

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