Dr. Jitendra Singh, DoNER minister and Chairman in presence of Navin Verma, secretary, ministry of DoNER, C. K Das, member, NEC, Ram Muivah, secretary, NEC and Neeta Verma, DG, NIC, inaugurated the e-Office of NEC Secretariat today through Video Conferencing from ministry of DoNER, Vigyan Bhavan Annexe, New Delhi.
e-Office is a Digital Workplace Solution Mission Mode Project under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) ,developed and implemented by National Informatics Centre (NIC). It establishes a Single Product for re use in the Government, Based on Central Secretariat Manual of e-Office Procedure (CSMeOP). It ensures transparency, accountability, data security and data integrity, transform the government work culture and ethics, and promote innovation by releasing staff energy and time from unproductive procedures.
At present, e-Office application is made operational in NEC Secretariat with File Management System, Knowledge Management System and Leave Management System. In a short span of time, NEC has created 129 e-files with 705 movements and 578 e-Receipts with 2522 movements as stated in a Press Release from NEC Secretariat.
NEC e-office secretariat launched

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