Governor Dr. Najma A. Heptulla has launched Clean Loktak Initiative at darbar Hall of Raj Bhavan in Imphal.
Heptulla said it is a matter of grave concern that the only fresh water lake in the North East India is deteriorating day by day as the lake is engulfing by a huge biomass-the Phumdi and also polluting with waste materials, it is time to take stringent measures to curb the deterioration.
Appealing all the stakeholders to create awareness among people to conserve the natural beauty and different habitations in the lake, Heptulla strongly advocated infusing knowledge especially to the younger generations about the lake and its necessity for a healthy livelihood.
Professor Dinabandhu Sahoo, Director, Institute of Bio resources and Sustainable Development also opined to introduce scientific methods to conserve Loktak Lake, and its flora and fauna.
An interactive session was also held on the issue where Head of Institutions and teachers from all across the state participated. A PowerPoint Presentation was also made by Shri L. Bhagaton – Project Director, Loktak Development Authority in the session.
Loktak deserves cleanliness

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