Following the announcement of the Manipur state assembly election schedule to be held in two phases the election authority has lined up different programmes with the holding of one day hands on training programme on the SUBIDHA application at State Academy of Training, Takyelpat, today.
SUVIDHA is an application software developed by Election Commission of lndia with a view to provide single window service for issuing permits of various kinds such as use of loud speakers, holding of meetings/ processions etc. to political parties during conduct of the ensuing elections.
One day training cum workshop with editors and reporters of various press media functioning in the state will be organised at State Academy of Training, Takyelpat on Saturday on Media Certification and Monitoring during the ensuing State Assembly Elections. Another one day training/ workshop with representatives of various political parties functioning in the state will be organized at same venue on 17 on the same subject. A state level consultative meeting on MCMC will be held on January 20.
The programmes are set with a view to sensitize the media personnel and political parties on various provisions of the MCMC issued by the Election Commission of lndia from time to time and also to seek cooperation for elimination of paid news and unethical advertisements during campaigns.
A one day training of all District Level Master Trainers of EVMs & WPATs will be held on January 28 at lmphal as fixed by the Election Commission of India. Representatives of ECI and Engineer from Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalaru will impart the said trainings.
The MCC and various provisions of IPC, inter alia, provide that political parties and their leaders should desist from making statements to the effect of creating disharmony between different sections of society on the basis of religion as the same disturb peace and tranquillity of the society which is absolutely essential for free and peaceful conduct of elections.
In a statement released today by the chief election officer Vivek Kumar Dewangan said the commission will not remain a silent spectator if the provisions of law or MCC are violated and no one can do it with impunity. The Commission will take stern actions against any violation under all powers available.
Election Expenditure Monitoring Teams activated Various Election Expenditure monitoring teams –Flying Squads, Static Surveillance Teams, Video Surveillance Teams into service in all districts. One Assistant Expenditure Observer has been appointed for each assembly constituency. The investigation directorate of income tax department has also deployed surveillance teams, air intelligence units and a 22×7 control room in the State. High volume transactions/ movement of cash are being monitored added the statement.
The statement also affirms to strictly monitor relevant to the code of conduct.
Awareness programmes lines up ahead of election

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