Imphal: Kuki Inpi Manipur through ingeminated its firm resolve that the Kuki-Zo community will not hold any talk with the state government under chief minister N.Biren Singh.

The Kuki apex body was reacting to the press statement by the chief minister to hold talks with various stakeholders to ensure peace and stability in the region.

Union Home minister Amit Shah had said the crisis in the state will be solved through talks with the Meitei and Kuki.

“It is hardly surprising that the ongoing crisis in Manipur -the preplanned ethnic cleaning against the Kuki-Zo community is the ultimate result of the despotic and chauvinistic governance under Shri N.Biren Singh. In fact, the oppression and alienation against the Kukis has gained unnatural momentum since N.Biren Singh formed his ministry in 2017,” the Kuki Inpi said in a statement released on Thursday.

Inevitably, the Kuki-Zo community have made its resolution that a “Total Separation” with the Meiteis is the only solution for lasting peace and harmony in the region, and that the Kuki-Zo community will not settle for anything less than what is duly guaranteed in “our Constitution”, the provisions for creation of a Separate Administration, it added.

The Kuki lnpi Manipur will always stand for the rights and privileges, and the territorial integrity of the Kuki-Zo community, it said.

Manipur has been on boil since May 3 last year after Kuki launched attack to Meitei.

Biren says Kuki, supported by external hands of Narco-terrorists, initiated the crisis after the state government launched destruction of poppy cultivation, eviction of encroachment in reserved forest land and identification of illegal immigrants.

He says the present crisis is not an ethnic issue, it is an issue of Golden Traingle expansion and external aggression by Narco-terrorists, among other forms of trying to settle in Manipur by illegal immigrants.

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