No nomination filed for general election, poll preparation in full swing

Imphal: No nomination was filed on Wednesday for the first phase of the 18th Lok Sabha election in respect of Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constituency, on the first day.

The returning officer of the first phass of the Lok Sabha election for Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constituency has issued the notice of Election to be held on April 19.

Meanwhile, poll preparedness has started in full swing at the district election office, Imphal West with various district committees actively engaging in poll-related activities.

As per the notice, nomination papers may be delivered by a candidate or any of his proposers to the retuning officer for No. 1-Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constituency or to Dr. Md. Imran Khan, assistant returning officer at the office of returning officer, Lamphelpat, Imphal between 11 am and 3 pm on any day (other than public holiday) not later than March 27.

Nomination papers will be taken up for scrutiny March 28 at the office of the returning officer at Lamphelpat.

Notice of withdrawal of candidature may be delivered either by candidate or any of his proposers or by his election agent who has been authorised in writing by the candidate to deliver it to either of the officers specified above at his office before 3 pm of March 30.

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