‘Chumthang Makhong’ staged

Imphal: A theatre repertory cum training and research centre ‘Khenjonglang’ presented ‘Chumthang Makhong’ play at Jawaharlal Manipur Dance Academy, here on Thursday.

The play was staged in a workshop cum production programme, organised under the aegis of Chief Minister Artistsing gi Tengbang (CMAT) scheme, department of Arts and Culture.

The playwright of the play is retired IAS Kangjam Radhakumar Singh. The play is directed and designed by Sanabam Thaninleima.

The synopsis of the play is “Man lives in a tragic world. Birth, marriage and death; birth, marriage and death-that’s not all felt Meiraba. He is married and has two children but he is not happy. Far from his worldly wife wonders if he is in search of the proverbial pot of gold at the rainbow’s end. She tries to bring her dream of a husband to the real world. If marriage is not all, celibacy also has not pleasure. Thus, feels Malaya, a bachelor who does bother about worldly life. He is also in search of somebody or something- he also lives in a tragic world. And his tragedy is that he does not know what he searches for is somebody or something. In this tragic world, man lives in an age where he is ages apart from the others. Why is the world oblivious of the great friendship of the deaf and the dumb? One is never complete by oneself.

There is a statue standing in a corner of Meiraba’s garden symbolizing perhaps, what Meiraba and Malaya are searching for. Both of them are found unveiling the statue when the curtain comes down.”

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