Women torch bearers demonstrate rally demanding withdrawal of SoO with Kuki militants, to remove AR from Manipur

Imphal: Demanding to abrogate Suspension of Operation (SoO) agreement with Kuki militants and to take away Assam Rifles from Manipur, women folks in Manipur valley demonstrated torch rally on Wednesday evening.

Suspension of Operation (SoO) agreement with Kuki militants is to be expired on February 28. The agreement has been updated annually since the signing of the agreement.

People’s Alliance for Peace and Progress, Manipur (PAPPM) appealed the people to demonstrate torch rally on the evening of Wednesday at their respective localities and areas to conclude a 3-day protest rally.

The tripartite SoO agreement between the government and Kuki militants was signed in 2006. Manipur government withdrawn the agreement with Kuki National Army (KNA) and Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA) in March last year. The state government withdrawn the agreement alleging that the militant groups are instigating the people against the government drive to evict illegal encroachers from forest land.

Various organisations have been demanding to withdraw SoO agreement with Kuki militants to restore peace in Manipur.

Majority of the Manipur legislators signed a unanimous resolution during the Kangla oath which was summoned by Arambai Tengol in January. The resolution included withdrawal of Assam rifles from Manipur and to withdraw SoO agreement with Kuki militants.

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