Uikey greets Manipur people on Republic Day

Imphal: Manipur governor Anusuiya Uikey has ‘warmly’ greeted the people of Manipur on the occasion of Republic Day, 2024 with her ‘best’ wishes.

“It was on this day in 1950, that we gave ourselves a Constitution which is the guiding principle of our country. Despite reservations from various quarters, the experiment of democracy in India has been successful and we are going from strength to strength, respected by other nations. On this occasion, we should revere and offer our homage to those founding fathers for their foresight and understanding. Despite its large population many of whom were illiterate, successive elections have shown the maturity of the electors and the aspirations of the people are reflected in the ballot. From a fledgling democracy, we have now become a mature one,” Uikey said in her message released on Thursday.

“India is poised to become one of the leading nations of the world. Its progress in science and technology backed by a young and dynamic population will usher the country to greater heights. We have, however, to harness the potential of our youth in the right direction so that they become our main assets for the future. Let us all strive to work together to make our country strong, peaceful and prosperous, free from wants.”

“On this auspicious occasion, let us re-dedicate ourselves to uphold and promote the secular, socialist and democratic values enshrined in our Constitution and work collectively to make our country great,” the governor said.

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