National Deworming Round 2 launched in Manipur

Imphal: State level National Deworming Day, Second Round, 2023, was launched on Friday at the auditorium of Department of Information and Public Relations, here.

The occasion was organised by the National Health Mission, Manipur.

Health minister Dr. S. Ranjan Singh said the programme of deworming is very important. All school going children below the age of 19 should join the campaign of National Deworming Day. Taking deworming tablet will enhance the hygiene of children. It is also carried out in all Anganwadi centers and schools, he added.

He said that there are significances of organising such observations as it helps to spread awareness to the public. The role of media is also significantly big in this regard. Their role can not be ignored.

All need to make it sure that everyone joins the Deworming campaign for our children, he said.

A poster on Deworming was also launched by the minister.

He said that these posters should reach to all health centers, Anganwadi centers and other health facilities in the state in order fulfill the objective of the campaign.

At the district level, chief medical officers may be consulted. The campaign should be carried out to reach at the grassroot level, the minister added.

Health commissioner PK Jha said convergence of Health, Social Welfare and Education departments is required for fulfilling the objective. Maintaining personal hygiene is also necessary. Relief camps should also be covered by the campaign. Concerned officials should act sincerely to role out the campaign successfully, he said.

Deworming tablets were given by the dignitaries to the school children as a part of the programme.

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