Youths of Manipur storm CM Bungalow

Imphal: Continuing its revolt “Youths of Manipur” volunteers stormed rowards chief minister’s Bungalow after gathering at Bijoy Govinda ground, here on Monday.

Large number of youths rushed to meet chief minister N.  Biren Singh in continuation of their movement to make MLAs pledge to protect Manipur.

The youths, while approaching towards the CM Bungalow, were blocked by combined security forces at Moirangkhom near the statue of Hijam Irabot. Later, officer in charge, Imphal Police station guided 100 youths among them to meet the chief minister.

Besides, one of the youths were picked up by a team of Singjamei police station on Sunday night. Following the incident many youths stormed at Singjamei police station demanding for unconditional release.

To control the youths that turned into mob, police fired several rounds of tear gas shell and mock bombs.

Youths picked up by police were later released.

The youths who entered the chief minister’s bungalow remained demanding to call all MLAs of Manipur to take the pledge to protect Manipur from Kuki-Zo attack. There has been no response of this demand while the youths await, till the filing of this report.

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