Meitei and Kuki are totally separated: Kuki Inpi declares

Imphal: The Kuki inpi Manipur has issue this declaration that there is now “total separation of the Meiteis and the Kukis” claiming that 24 Kuki volunteers at New Lambulane, Imphal were escorted away.

It is imperative that the central government should constitutionally recognise this ‘separation’ at the earliest without any further delay, the Kuki Inpi said in a press release on Saturday.

The Kuki Inpi Manipur is aghast at the dastardly attack against the last of the Kuki-Zo volunteers (numbering about 24 men) who have been guarding the houses and properties of the Kukis at New Lambulane, Imphal, from the intermittent arson and looting of the boorish, bloodthirsty Meiteis. The volunteers were later escorted by security personnel and have safely reached our land despite the dread of the barbaric Meitei attack, it added.

Besides the compelling evacuation of the people, all the Kuki settlements have been looted, vandalised and torched by the Meiteis. The only viable solution to the ongoing state-sponsored ethnic cleansing against the Kuki people lies in the total separation of the two communities -Meiteis and Kukis, the process of which has been completed in the aftermath of the evacuation of the remaining Kuki volunteers in Imphal last night. At this critical juncture, the Kuki Inpi Manipur reiterates its demand for Separate Administration as it strongly entreats the Government of India to expedite meaningful, honourable political dialogue with the KNO/UPF under Suspension of Operation (SoO) for justice, peace, and lasting solution in the region, it said.

In another press release made by two individuals on behalf of the 24 (including them) said, “In the intervening midnight of Sept 1-2. 2023 a team 4 uniformed armed personnel claiming to be acting under directions from the Home Department came to New Lambulane, Imphal and forcibly evicted the last remaining residents of the last remaining Kuki locality in Imphal from our homes. 24 of us were not given time to even pack our belongings and we were literally herded into the waiting Casper bullet proof vehicles. Many of us were woken up from our sleep and pulled by our arms into the waiting vehicles with only the clothes we were wearing.”

“We expressed our strong displeasure at this high handed abduction like forcible evacuation executed against our will. We regret that a country, like India is unwilling to ensure the life and security of its citizens at the place of their residence, succumbing to the intimidation of chaotic forces trying to destroy the society and the state.”

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