Handover bodies of murdered teens: Meira Paibi

Imphal: Meira Paibi (traditional Meitei women ativists) of Khurai Ahongei, Imphal East, have demand the government to handover the bodies of two teenagers who were allegedly murdered by Kuki terrorists.

The teenagers, a boy and a girl went missing since May 3. Their pictures before after dead were surfaced on social media.

People from various sections of the society have been condemning the heinous act.

Decrying the killing of the two students, Meira Paibi of Khurai Ahongei area staged a sit-in rally at Khurai Ahongei ground on Thursday.

Meira Paibi of the area strongly condemn the killing of the two students, 17 years old Hijam Luwangbi and about 20 years old Phijam Hemanjit by suspected Kuki militants.

She urged the state and central government to handover the bodies of the two students to their respective families immediately and to book the perpetrators in no time.

The state government should stop executing extreme action of security forces towards students who are demonstrating democratic form of agitation decrying the killing of the two students, she added.

The Meira Paibi appealed the government to bring back normalcy in Manipur at the earliest.

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