There will be no Separate Administration: Amit Shah assures Maheshwar

Imphal: Maheshwar Thounaojam, national secretary of Republican Party of India (A) from Imphal on Friday met Union Home minister Amit Shah.

“Urged about the current crisis in Mannipur and submitted a memorandum for our Indigenous people of Manipur as a whole,” Maheshwar said.

In the memorandum he urges for ending of SoO agreement with the Kuki militants, Implementation of NRC, no seperate administration at any cost, no burial site at Torbung Bangla in particular and in any part of Manipur at large, and  omplete removal of the Assam Rifles from Manipur soil.

The Union minister assured him that there will be no Seperate administration and the integrity of Manipur will not be compromised at any cost. He has also promised the young politician to deeply look into the matter and will act for peace in Manipur.

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