Don’t play politics over corpses: COCOMI to ITLF

Imphal: Cremating all corpses together to newly create a mass grave at the evicted areas of Meetei villages will provoke Meitei, the so called ITLF Kuki leaders should not play politics over the dead bodies, Coordinating Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) said.

Every dead of the Meetei groups were being cremated at their native villages with due respect and recognition by their own near and dear ones, the coordinating committee said adding that it expects the ITLF Kuki people to follow the same norms in performing the last rites of the dead.

Encroaching over the state land is also a violation of laws and cremating all together to newly create a mass grave at the evicted areas of Meetei villages will not only provoke the sentiments of the people in both sides but also remain as a symbol of enmity between the two neighboring villages forever, COCOMI said.

Till date Kuki groups have never done anything that is acceptable to the law of the land right from the Day 1 of May 3rd incident. COCOMI strongly oppose the plan for mass cremation of Kuki dead bodies at the Torbung area. And the govt., both at the state and the center must control this from happening to avoid further escalation of the violence in Manipur.

The committee appeals the government to do something which will prove that The Rule of Law prevails in the entire state of Manipur. It requests to check the identity of all the corpses before being cremated at their respective village as per the law and confirm their citizenship. 

It also appeals both the communities to restrain from confronting each other and let the state government deal the matter as per the law of the land. 

Encroachment to state land without prior permission and approval is a clear sign of the violation of law and the government must act accordingly, considering the gravity of the tension between the two sides, if any untoward incidents happens, COCOMI will fix the responsibility to the state and center government, it said.

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