Covid-19 positive boy fined for trying to take flight

Imphal: A 19 years old boy, Bholakumar, a resident of Tellipati near GM Godown who was tested Covid- 19 positive on Thursday at Babina Lab (by RT-PCR) was trying to take a flight from Imphal to Kolkata on Saturday inspite of knowing the result was caught by the doctors on duty at Bir Tikendrajit International Airport and detained there.

The district surveillance officer requested the deputy commissioner Imphal East to take necessary action as per the law permissible for such an act of negligence during this Covid-19 pandemic.

The act of Bholakumar is a clear violation of the protocol of Covid-19 positive patients as he was supposed to isolate himself either at home isolation or community isolation centre or Covid Care centre. His act is a clear act of negligence and as he is a potential threat for spread of Covid-19 infection to other contacts and co-travellers, an order by Deputy commissioner, Imphal East Kh. Diana Devi said in an order issued on Saturday.

“Bholakumar is hereby imposed a fine of Rs 2,000 as penalty for violation of guidelines under the Manipur Epidemic Diseases (Enforcement of Covid-19 Guidelines) Regulations, 2020,” the order said.

He must execute a bond with sureties for his good behaviour for a period of 6(six) months under Section 110 of Cr. P.C. 1973 as and when he is declared medically fit to appear before the Executive Magistrate, the Deputy commissioner said.

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