Imphal: Manipur governor Lakshman Prasad Acharya and chief minister N. Biren Singh has has asked the people to together pledge to work together for the nation and the state.

Extending his ‘heartiest’ greetings and ‘best’ wishes to the people of Manipur on the occasion of Patriots’ Day, the governor said, “This auspicious occasion reminds us of our heroic forefathers like Bir Tikendrajit, Thangal General, Chirai Naga, Pukhrambam Kajao, Niranjan Subedar and a host of other martyrs who made supreme and selfless sacrifice for the cause of the freedom of their motherland.”

They along with many others who were banished for life from Manipur believed in the freedom of their nation and challenged the might of the British Empire in 1891 embracing death and prison rather than live without freedom, he added.

“If we do not live and work together we stand to lose. Let us, while observing the Patriots’ Day, pledge to stand and fight as one against all those who challenge the freedom and integrity of the nation, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and other differences.

Biren said, “Our indigenous people have lived together peacefully for ages, but today divisive and communal forces are threatening to erode the fabric of our society. History teaches us that when we are united, we are formidable. When we are divided, we are vulnerable. We must be vigilant against those who seek to divide us and proactive in building a society where every community feels valued and included. Let this day be a reminder of our shared values and a call to action for a united and prosperous future.”

“Our forefathers valued freedom and sovereignty of their motherland more than their own lives. It is time for our present generation to reflect on such values that guided their actions and adopt a collective stance against any divisive force in our state.”

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