Imphal: Traffic authority issued warnings and penalties to street vendors and violators who had parked their vehicles in designated no parking zone, in Imphal city.

In response to increasing concerns over traffic congestion in City area, Traffic Control Police Wing, Manipur assisted by City Police station conducted a traffic enforcement drive on Monday as part of regular exercise to clear no parking zones at Nagamapal road and RIMS road leading to the RIMS medical facility.

As per Transport department, Manipur orders, the western side from Hindu hotel to Kangjabi Machin of Nagamapal road and Southern side of RIMS road are designated as “No Parking Zone”.

The Nagamapal area has been notorious for illegal parking and street vendors causing obstruction to emergency vehicles, hindering pedestrian movement, and creating chaos during peak hours, traffic police said.

Shopkeepers, drivers and street vendors were urged to cooperate with the authority and make use of authorized parking space to avoid disruptions and ensure the safety of all road users.

“This traffic drive serves as a reminder to all shopkeepers, street vendors and motorists to respect traffic regulations, prioritize safety over convenience, and contribute to the smooth

functioning of our roads. Together, we can create a safer and more efficient environment for everyone,” Traffic Control Police Wing said.

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