N. Munal Meitei,
Environmentalist, Email:- nmunall@yahoo.in

N. Munal Meitei

International Tiger Day, observed on 29 July, is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness about tiger conservation and highlighting the urgent need to protect these majestic animals and their habitats. It’s a day to celebrate the beauty and importance of these iconic big cats and to reaffirm our commitment to their conservation. The theme for 2024 is, ‘Raise awareness about the importance of tigers and the threats they face’.

Tigers, known as apex predators, play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of their ecosystems. Tigers are in danger of extinction and we need to create an international system that takes care of tigers and their habitats. Only 7% of the places tigers used to live are left. We need to make sure tigers have safe places to live, or we might lose them forever.

The name “tiger” originates from the Persian word “taig,” meaning fast and sharp. Remarkably, tigers are the only cat species entirely covered in stripes. Interestingly, their skin, when shaved, bears the same striped pattern as their fur.

Tigers are incredibly adaptable animals and can survive in extreme temperatures -40°C to +50°C. A tiger’s roar can be heard up to 3 km. Tigers are the largest of all big cats weighing up to 300 kg. A tiger’s territory, or “turf,” can cover up to 1000 sq. km and can reach a speed of nearly 64 kph. The feeding habits of Tiger is ‘feast and fast’. In a single meal, an adult tiger can consume up to 40 kg of meat. Their average lifespan in the wild range from 10 to 15 years.

Tigers are found naturally in 13 range countries, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The WWF committed to TX2 – ‘Tigers times two’ the global goal to double the number of wild tigers. At present, about 5574 tigers remain in the wild in these 13 countries, according to the Global Tiger Forum.

We must protect tigers from extinction because our planet’s future depends on them. The tiger is a symbol of beauty, bravery, strength and nationality. So, saving the tiger means saving the national pride. The beautiful, awe-inspiring tiger is one of the planet’s most iconic animals. The tiger, the royal animal revered in various cultures, is also called the ‘Umbrella Species.’ By conserving this majestic species, we are also conserving the pristine Eco-system and thousands of other species in the same habitat.

Manipur is at present not included in the global tiger map, but not so long back, there were many tigers roaming around the state. We have heard of the word ‘Keichanba,’ which itself proves, we had an abundant number of these strip animals.

Tigers live in some of the most important but most threatened habitats, where many of the most exceptional species thrive. Left with just 5% of the range, tigers are losing their homes to deforestation, infrastructure and other anthropogenic factors, forcing them into rapidly diminishing pockets of nature. According to WWF, globally, 97% of the tiger population has extinct since the beginning of the 20th century.

According to the 5th Tiger Census in 2022, India is now home to 3682 Tigers, which is more than double since the first census in 2006 with 1411 Tigers. This is about 70%, the highest number of tigers so far a country has globally. Because of the planned efforts under Project Tiger, India could attain the achievement after the country launched the initiative on 1st April 1973. It has been one of the most successful ventures in recent times to protect the striped predator.

Since then, the government has undertaken several steps to reduce the destruction of the Bengal tiger’s natural habitat in the country. This project had the excellent recovery to increase the tiger population, in 55 tiger reserves across 20 Indian states. The Government also launched an anti-poaching force comprising of police, forest officials and other agencies.

Poaching & illegal trade of tigers happens as there is a huge demand for each body parts of a tiger, from whiskers to its tail. Man-animals conflict, climate change, overpopulation, rising sea levels etc. are also wiping out the tiger population. None of the tiger conservation landscapes in India within the Bengal’s tiger range are large enough to support an effective population size of 25.

Manipur, being in the boarder state with Myanmar, is in a strategic route for wildlife crime which is the fourth largest crime in terms of volume and number in the present world. The illicit demand for bones and other body parts of tigers for use in traditional Chinese medicine is another reason for the unrelenting poaching pressure in the country.

The mandate for project tiger is the hope to conserve tigers in a holistic manner. At present, the dynamics of forest management and wildlife conservation have been distorted due to need of income, lack of manpower, awareness, land use policy and population pressure. A regional development approach in landscapes having a Tiger Reserve is of utmost importance in the country. It should be viewed as a mosaic of different land use patterns, via, tiger conservation, forestry, sustainable use and development, besides socioeconomic growth.

Tiger habitats exist in the environments of thousands of indigenous communities which depend on them and these landscapes are neither static nor benign. Therefore, we cannot view in isolation from the surrounding socioeconomic realities. This call for a cross-sectorial and cross-disciplinary approach.

Tigers now need a ‘preservationist’ approach. Regional management planning is important all over the country to foster ecological connectivity between protected areas through a restorative input with integrated land use planning. Unless the acceptance from all sections of the society that our National Animal is at a tipping point, it will be too late for tomorrow to save our iconic, royal, majestic and the king of the forests.

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