N. Munal Meitei
Environmentalist, email-nmunall@yahoo.in

N. Munal Meitei

World Nature Conservation Day is observed on July 28. This day emphasized not only the beauty of our nature but to protect the environment and natural resources of the planet for a stable and healthy society. The theme for this year is ‘Connecting People and Plants, Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation’, to empower and conserve the planet

Our planet is what we all have in common. On Earth there is no heaven, but plenty of such places in the form of natural beauties. From spring’s blooms and fall’s array of colours to winter’s magic and summer’s energy, nature has all admires and beauties. The major problems in the world today are the results of the differences between how nature works and the way that people think.

Earth is a beautiful and unique place, from the air in the atmosphere to the depths of the oceans, from wildlife to trees, from green fields to mountains, the world is a place that has fascinating ecosystems in a delicate balance.

But as human activity has made a huge impact on the environment, it is necessary to take care and pay attention to preserve nature. This day aims to protect the environment and the natural resources, including the well-being of all living beings. The natural beauty of the Earth can be maintained by preserving various components of nature such as water, air, soil, energy, vegetation, minerals and biodiversity. In other words – without a healthy environment, we have nothing.

Nature provides us with essential resources such as clean air, fresh water and fertile soil. It supports biodiversity, which ensures the stability and resilience of ecosystems. Conserving nature also mitigates climate change, protects endangered species and promotes sustainable development.

Maintaining the integrity of natural habitats helps prevent the emergence and spread of infectious diseases. By respecting and protecting the environment, we not only safeguard our own health but also contribute to the overall well-being of the planet.

There are several problems that nature is currently facing with, including deforestation, urbanization, the extinction of species and global warming. While preservation and conservation share similarities in that they both aim to safeguard the environment. Preservation entails defending nature from human use, Conservation aims for the sustainable use of nature by humans for pursuits like mining, logging and hunting.

A healthy environment is the foundation of a stable and healthy society. Preserving resources plays an important role in protecting our mother Earth. When we talk about nature conservation, we’re literally talking about protecting nature and avoiding being wasteful in the way that we use its resources. How we use the soil, minerals, plants, water, air and wildlife around us matters. Being thoughtful about how we use nature’s resources in our everyday actions is incredibly important.

Our planet’s natural resources are now used by 8.2 billion people. Because these resources are getting used up so rapidly before the Earth can replenish them, a report from WWF states that the pressure that we exert on the planet has doubled and the resources upon which we depend have declined by 33%. Thus, if we continue to consume natural resources at this trend, then mankind will require two Earths by 2030.

When we haul conservation and exploit nature for development, it rains scarcity. Development is thus only for humans but not for other living beings who have equal rights. Greedy humans, whose very survival is precarious, always expect every need to respond sympathetically to nature. That’s a wrong perception.

Nature conservation means protecting nature and use of its resources judiciously so that the needs of the present generation can be satisfied without compromising future generations’ ability to maximize their own needs. Keeping nature and its resources intake is very important for the continuation of life on earth.

Conservation must therefore be accompanied with short and long-term economic measures. The vicious circle by which poverty causes ecological degradation which in turn leads to break the nature should not be self-defeating, but for sustainable development. The unsustainable relationship with nature has led humanity to face an incalculable number of environmental problems. The first conditions of happiness is to have a better bond between man and nature.

Nature is characterized by the wonderful diversity of living organisms that exist in the unique land and forests. To ensure the well-being of the present and future, we all must be responsible in protecting and conserving our nature and to educate people about the best practices to safeguard our natural resources as the planet has it limitedly.

Nature conservation is the moral philosophy for protecting species from extinction, restoring habitats, enhancing ecosystem services and protecting biodiversity. Nowadays, more than 10% of the world is legally protected in practice. Environmentalists set to protect 30% of land and marine territory by 2030, but as of 2021, 16.64% of land and 7.9% of the oceans were protected.

Human beings were sent to live on this earth by utilizing nature’s resources judiciously and our prosperity need not cost the earth. Everyone must promote environmentally-friendly activities in their daily life to lead a green lifestyle. Clean air and water are limited resources. The tree canopy and vegetation serve as critical filters for our air. The environment is the key to the existence of life on the planet and for future generations. A lot of medicine is provided by nature in the form of chemicals from plants and animals, thus keeping us alive.

It would be wrong to conclude that conservation only is sufficient response to solve all the environmental issues. Some of the steps for conservation of nature are; reducing dependence on fossil fuels to reduce carbon footprints. We should buy need-based items, be it food or any other things. This will certainly reduce the wastage of our resources.

The forest is the disguise of the mother nature. Planting trees and increasing forest cover is the best principle for our survival and for conserving nature. We also should use water, the most precious gift of nature, judiciously.

Therefore, on coming World Nature Conservation Day, 2024, let’s take an oath to change actions to conserve nature in its purest form for future survival.

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