Imphal:  Kom Union Manipur (KUM) has cautioned against misusing of Kom community name to ‘mislead the society’.

The Kom community is a peace-loving community and believes in peaceful co-existence, said Serto Ahou Kom while addressing reporters at the community hall of KR Lane, New Checkon, Imphal East, on Friday.

He said since the violence erupted in Manipur on May 3 last year, many unwanted incidents have occurred. Despite the two communities (Meitei and Kuki), who are directly involved in the crisis, other indigenous people of Manipur, including the Kom community, have been drastically affected, he added.

Some individuals or groups with vested interests issued press notes against the interests of KUM. Such activities should be stopped immediately, as these statements could mislead the Kom community in society, he said.

In a press note issued by KUM, signed by its secretary of information and publicity, David L, it stated, “Kom Union Manipur (KUM) expressed its deep pain and anguish over the news and press release uploaded on social media on July 16, written in Kuki language by a person called S. Kom, Joint Secretary COTU Defence Wing. The so-called S. Kom does not belong to the Kom tribe, and it is learned that he is from Phailen village, which is not a Kom village.”

“The motive for using the name of Kom is to implicate the Kom community in this present conflict.”

Ahou said KUM, as Kom community apex body, wants to bring the present crisis to an end through peace dialogue.

Anybody found using the Kom community’s name for their vested interests, should take responsibility for their actions, he added.

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