N Munal Meitei,
Environmentalist email: nmunall@yahoo.in

The UN Climate Change Conference, COP29, will convene in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11-22 November 2024 with the objective of building on the previous successes and paving the way for future ambition to effectively tackle the global climate crisis. The Conference of Parties (COP) with 198 parties including European Union are to assess progress in dealing with climate change, to negotiate the Kyoto Protocol (COP3, 1997) in order to establish legally binding obligations for the developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. COP29 is also to reaffirm the Paris Agreement (COP21, 2015) as part of the Durban platform (COP17, 2011), which created a general path towards climate action.
COP29 will focus on promoting ‘peace’ and ‘truce’ to allow countries to concentrate on climate solution amid worlds ongoing conflicts. The slogan chosen for COP29 is “In Solidarity for a Green World”. Climate financing is expected to be the key focus
of COP29 and build upon the agendas set in COP28, Dubai to transit away from fossil fuels to achieve net zero by 2050.
A major issue to be addressed is the unfulfilled commitment of COP15, 2009 Copenhagen by developed countries to provide $100 billion annually to developing countries for climate action. In Azerbaijan -2024, the conference is expected to set a new annual target above $100 billion and determine whether the funds will be grants or loans.
As per the host of COP29, the climate crisis is a universal issue that requires an inclusive approach. The current global political divide is similar to the Cold War era, making it hard to agree on climate action.
Many developing countries lack the institutional capacity and financial awareness needed to prepare effective Nationally Determined Contributions. NDCs are self-defined pledges that outline how countries will reduce emissions, adapt to climate change and secure funding to support these efforts. Azerbaijan is working towards its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, but more support and awareness are needed to achieve this target.
By focusing on the interdependence of climate action and sustainable development, COP29 aims to create a more resilient and equitable world. The conference’s key outcomes, including strengthening NDC, financial commitments and adaptation planning, contribute to global climate action and the achievement of the SDGs.
Climate change is expected to worsen the frequency, intensity and impacts of extreme events in the coming years. If we are to cap the planet from warming up not more than 1.5°C of the pre-industrial state, we need to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 43% by 2030. But the climate change trajectory is moving in a dangerous way and global warming is likely to reach 3°C in 2100.
Baku, Azerbaijan is an area known to be the ecologically most devastated area in the world and a repressive petro-aggressor whose false environmentalism makes a mockery of the existential crisis faced by the species. Oil and gas production comprises half of Azerbaijan’s GDP and 92.5% of its export revenue.
The COP29 and FAO have agreed to introduce an initiative, ‘Harmoniya 4 Climate Resilience: Empowering Farmers, Villages and Rural Communities,’ on the sidelines of the Bonn Climate Conference on 3-13 June, 2024. The initiative aims to ensure that every person on the planet is protected by disaster forecasting, preparedness and response in the next five years. In fact, for the first time the early warning systems for ‘All’ was so widely agreed at COP 27, the Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt Implementation Plan.
In COP29, 2024, we want to see the world speed up the phasing out of coal, oil and gas, replacing them with clean and renewable energy sources. We want sustainable agriculture practices to stop deforestation and protect habitat and biodiversity. We also want funds redirected from fossil fuels subsidies to scaling-up renewable energy, creating green jobs for young people of under-developed countries and protecting nature.
The climate crisis is a global crisis. Everyone must take part. We need to hear about successes, as well as challenges and bottlenecks, as part of a transparent process. Everyone is affected differently by the climate crisis. Every voice matters, every action is important. So the whole world is looking at Baku, Azerbaijan for a comprehensive early decision to fight back the global climate crisis during 11-22 November 2024 at COP29.
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