Pharmacies shut down

Imphal: Reacting against firing at Mahaluxmi Medical Store located at Old Assembly Road, Imphal West on Tuesday evening by some unknown armed miscreants, pharmacies in Imphal city shut down on Wednesday.

It is reported that two persons wearing face mask came on a motorcycle and open fired at the medical store at around 6 pm on Tuesday. No casualty has been reported but two bullets marks were there on the pillar of the shutter door and the glass pane of the counter of the pharmacy was also damaged.

A case has been registered at City Police station.

As per CCTV footage that went viral, two miscreants coming from Prajatantra gali stopped their motorcycle in front of the pharmacy and fired two rounds at the pharmacy and fled towards over-bridge.

Police reported that one empty case of 9mm and a distorted projectile have been recovered.

Unemployed Pharmacist Association of Manipur (UPAM), condemned firing at Mahaluxmi Medical store at the strongest term.

In a release issued and signed by general secretary, UPAM, mentioned that those unauthorised medical stores that are selling medicines should be stopped immediately. It said many medical stores are selling medicines without proper licence and even some people are doing business on selling medicine without having a license.

It appealed the authority concerned to look into the matter and even UPAM will initiate a drive against selling of medicines at unauthorised stores.

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