People decry against bomb threat

Imphal: Local bodies of Khurai Chaithabi Leirak staged a one day sit-in decrying the bomb threat at the residence of general secretary of Chaithabi Leirak Development Club (CLDC) Sarangthem Somorendro at Khurai Chaithabi Leirak, Imphal East, on Friday.

The protest was jointly organised by CLDS and Chaithabi Leirak Women’s Society.

President of CLDS, Takhelmayum Bimola said some unknown miscreants kept a bomb at the residence of general secretary, CLDC, Sharangthem Somorendro on Wednesday night located at Khurai Chaithabi Leirak, Imphal East.

The joint bodies strongly condemned the bomb threat within the congested residential area. Due to the ongoing crisis that has been continuing since May 3 last year people across the state have been living in a panicky situation from the sporadic sounds of gun fires and bombs, she added.

She questioned who is going to take the responsibility if the bomb had exploded and innocent people were injured. Will those miscreants are going to take the responsibility or the owner of the residence?

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