Blessing Ceremony for Manipur contingent to North East Games held

Imphal: A Blessing Ceremony of Manipur state contingent participating in the 3rd North East Games, 2024 Nagaland was held on Friday at the chief minister’s secretariat.

Chief minister N. Biren Singh handed over the Manipur Olympic Association’s Flag to the Chef de Mission of Manipur contingent.

A contingent of 338 athletes from Manipur including 19 officials will be participating in the 3rd North East Games, 2024 to be held at Nagaland from 18th to 23rd March, 2024.

Athletes will compete in 15 different disciplines including Archery, Athletic, Badminton, Basketball, Boxing, Football, Lawn Tennis, Pencak Silat, Sepak Takraw, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Volleyball, Belt Wrestling, Wrestling and Wushu.

Biren appreciated the athletes for upholding the professionalism of sports, even during the rough phase the state is currently passing through.

Mentioning that Manipur is known as the powerhouse of sports across India, the chief  minister said the Sports University is being set up in the state, recognising the contribution of the players from Manipur. He added that the state government has also taken various infrastructure development work in the field of games and sports, mentioning the setting up of Digital Experience Centre and Manipur Olympian Park among others.

The chief minister extended his best wishes to the participating team and expressed hopefulness that the team would become overall champion for the third time.

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