Bride, groom donate blood to enter new life

Imphal: Manipur Bride and Groom on Monday donated blood at Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Science (JNIMS) hospital on the day of ‘Heijingpot’ (a celebration ahead of marriage) as a part of providing necessary assistance to the victims in connection with the present unrest in the state.

The bride is Hidam Roshree of Kongpal Naoroibam Leikai and groom is Laishram Vivid of Top Khongnangkhong both in Imphal East district.

The marriage ceremony falls on Wednesday.

Medical superintendent of JNIMS, hospital, Dr Kh. Lokeswar told reporters, “It is a good step for both and for their married life.” He wished to make a trend on such types of voluntary blood donation as it could save many lives.

Vivid said he might not be able to provide necessary assistance or help during the present unrest of Manipur. But with his blood he could save a live in the present unrest of Manipur and with this thought they decided to donate voluntary blood at JNIMS blood bank.

He said he had donated his blood 10 times.

Roshree said she is going to enter a new life and with her blood donated at JNIMS blood bank someone can be saved. Considering blood as one of the most essential things to help those injured in the unrest, she said, she decided to donate her blood.

During the voluntary blood donation family members and relatives of both the bride and groom also donated blood at the hospital.

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