Unknown miscreants vandalise residence of Rights Activist Babloo

Imphal: Unknown miscreants vandalised office residence of human rights activist, Babloo Loitongbam located at Kwakeithel Thiyam Leikai, Imphal West on Thursday evening.

It is reported that around 30 persons in two gypsies came and entered at the residence of the human rights activist at around 6 pm.

Eyewitness said locals of the area tried to stop the miscreants, but they overpowered the locals and locked the main gate from inside and started vandalising properties of Babloo.

During the incident one car was vandalised, some window panes, some properties were damaged. They took the CCTV cameras and footage and the miscreants fled from the spot immediately.

After the incident a team of Lamphel Police station rushed to the spot for enquiry.

When the media team tried to get comment from the family members, they denied to give any comment to media.

Reason for the vandalising the properties of Babloo Loitongbam by the unknown miscreants is yet to be known.

Babloo Loitongbam was out of station when the incident took place.

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