‘Security force assaults physically challenged person and father’ at home in Imphal

Imphal: Security force allegedly assaulted one 25 years old boy with disabilities and his 60 years old father at their residence in search of bandh supporters at Khurai Thangjam Leikai Chingangbam Leirak, Imphal East on Tuesday.

The injured were named as one Thaonaojam Nonichand and his son Th. Ibungo of Khurai Thangjam Leikai Chingangbam Leirak, Imphal East.

Supporting the 48 hours shutdown imposed across the state over arrest of 5 village volunteers, bandh supporters blocked Telipati road with wooden logs with burning tires. The shutdown began on Tuesday.

To unblock and dispersed the bandh supporters state police fired rounds of tear gas shells. RAF and other central security forces joined the action to disperse the agitators. The protestors also retaliated with slingshots and stones towards the combined forces.

A bandh supporter told reporters that since early morning state forces fired tear gas shells to disperse the agitators and chased them. Some Assam Rifles personnel forcibly entered at the residence of Nonichand and assaulted him and his disabled son by dragging from their room to the courtyard, she alleged.

They fired several rounds of tear gas shell so the women folks were not able to stop the central forces against assaulting the father and son, she added.

Nonichand has been undergoing treatment due to some health condition and his son is also differently abled person. What will happen if the central forces continue similar action to innocent people, she questioned.

Bruised marks were seen at both the knees and on back of Ibungo and there were bruised mark on face and back of Nonichand.

She said the locals of the area strongly condemned the act of Assam Rifles towards the innocent public.

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