RIMS renders dedicated service in healthcare: Governor

Governor of Manipur, Anusuiya Uikey has said that Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) has rendered dedicated service to the people in the field of healthcare not only in Manipur but also in the North Eastern India.

Speaking as Chief Guest at the 52nd Foundation Day Celebration of the Institute held today in Imphal, Governor said, RIMS started as a medical institution catering the needs of the north eastern states. She said, the basic objective of RIMS is to provide quality medical education and improve the health conditions of the people in rural areas of North Eastern States, where adequate health facilities are not available. The institute has accelerated its development with the opening of super speciality courses besides opening undergraduate and post graduate courses and also making efforts towards increasing academic and research activities. A new nursing college was also established at RIMS, Governor added.

Appealing to the doctors, nurses and paramedical staffs to establish a good rapport with patients, Governor said, patients come to hospital with trust and they feel themselves to be in safe hands. Therefore, doctors should not only be competent but also dedicated and should provide better service to the patients. Trust in doctors helps a lot in the recovery of the patients. She further said, RIMS, being the number one referral hospital must ensure that no patient is referred to other hospitals but to provide the best care in it. Recalling her early career as a student leader, Uikey asked the students to put an aim to work for the welfare of humanity and betterment of society. She thanked the Director, faculties, doctors, nurses, paramedical staffs and students for their relentless efforts to develop RIMS and encouraged them to put their best efforts further to make RIMS, Imphal, the most excellent centre for medical education, research, health and medicine in the country. Governor also wished that RIMS may be upgraded to the status of AIIMS in the near future. Governor appealed the people to remove hatred amongst them and to work for the development of the State.

Governor distributed awards to the outstanding medical students and wished them a grand success in the future too.

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