Arms seized from fringe areas in Manipur

Imphal: Security forces on Wednesday seized arms and ammunitions at intervening villages of Sangaithel and Longa Koireng villages under the jurisdiction of Patsoi police station on Wednesday.

Acting on a reliable input at around 1.45 pm, a combined team of Sangaithel outpost police and troops of 5/9-GR stationed at Sangaithel cordoned the intervening villages of Sangaithel and Longa Koireng villages near hill slopes, a police report said.

The combined team conducted a search operation. Two local made GI made pipe Pumpi guns connected with wires, one single barrel gun, fifty 12 bore live cartridges, four motar shells and electrical wires were recovered.

However, no miscreants were found. Accordingly a case has been registered at Patsoi police station for further necessary legal actions, the police report said.

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