Hindi film not banned in Manipur: IPR

Imphal: Although, Hindi films are not banned in the state, they are not screened regularly in cinema theatres which is not under purview of the government.

Deputy director (Press and Publication), Information and Public Relations, Manipur, T. Ramesh Singh said this in a clarification made against ‘false and unverified’ information in the news story ‘Hindi film to be screened in Manipur after 20 years’ and Hindi film – ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’- screened in Manipur after 23 years on I-Day circulated on August 15 in a news website and social media platforms, which may create confusion among the people about the actual facts.

Hindi films are still aired on various satellite and TV channels on a daily basis. Besides, the Hindi movie “Rocketry: The Nambi Effect” was screened on August 20, 2022 at the auditorium of Manipur State Film Development Society which was witnessed by chief minister N. Siren Singh, his council of ministers, MLAs and many government officials, the deputy director said.

He asked the publisher(s) to remove the aforementioned news story from various platforms in order to avoid any confusion or false narratives about the actual events happening in Manipur.

He appealed to desist from publication of any unverified or false information which may create a false narrative about the state among the people of the country.

Revolutionary People’s Front imposed ban on Hindi films in Manipur in September 2000.

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