BMFA sends Resolution on Manipur issue to Prime Minister, stakeholders

Silchar: The various resolutions adopted at the Peace Convention on Manipur Crisis that was held on 13th August at Rajiv Bhawan, Silchar, Assam is being sent to Prime Minister Office, President Secretariat as well as Vice President of India’s office, by Barak Manipur Friendship Association (BMFA). In a press release to the media this was stated by Biswadeep Gupta, the President of BMFA and Managing Trustee of KRC Foundation.

The resolution includes that no road blockade should be allowed in the National Highways, time bound judicial enquiry on Manipur conflict, and stop illegal immigration. The resolution also alerted other state governments to check on illegal immigration and not to allow any foreign nationals to settle in their state. The resolution adopted strongly voiced that the illegal immigrants should be identified and deported in a specified time frame.

It also echoed that those who have taken shelter in Barak Valley region of Assam, their citizenship should be verified to avoid any demographic disturbances in the region.

On displaced people the convention urged governments to resettle them in their own homes in a short time frame. Taking strongly on the drug trafficking taking place in the region, a resolution was also taken urging the government to check and take legal action against people involved in the trade as well as appealing the people to socially boycott people involved in the nefarious activities.

From the Peace convention it was also deliberated that the government should cancel the treaty with Myanmar where people are allowed to enter eighteen kilometres inside India and Myanmar territories without VISA.

Implementation of NRC or any other mechanism to identify citizens in NE India should be taken up and there should be any religious angle given to the Manipur conflict. Rebuilding Manipur should be a priority. A special economic package is demanded in the Peace Convention and that internet service should be opened up immediately.

Urging the government not to linger the conflict any further and a peace settlement should be chalked out in a given time frame without disturbing the territorial integrity of the state of Manipur.

Further it is being urged that all should shun violence, disarm the general public, start communicating, protect reserve forest areas and relook into the modalities of Suspension of Operation system.

It was also decided that the resolution will be sent to all stakeholders across the country and abroad.

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