Little Flower School wins science quiz

Imphal: Little Flower School, Imphal won science quiz competition held in connection with the observation of National Science Day at Manipur State Film Development Society auditorium, here on Sunday.

Nirmalabas High School and Mothers’ Pride Academy got second and third positions respectively.

Lamlong Higher Secondary School also secured consolation prize in the competition.

A talk in connection with the observation on the focal theme, “Future of STI: Impact on Education, Skills and Works” was also conducted. Prof. N. Rajmuhon Singh, department of Chemistry, Manipur University was the guest speaker during the talk with interaction.

Education minister S. Rajen Singh said science has given a new light to the society. The observance of National Science Day signifies the respect and courtesy shown to our scientists who set alight for the human society. Everyone should also honour the endeavours and sacrificial spirits of our scientists for humanity. Science has indeed prevented human from dangers of fatal diseases, he added.

The development of science and technology has also made human easier to live. There has been changes in many walks of life with the advancement of science and technology. The world has also become a global village. Communication network has also become faster, the minister said.

Future destiny will be decided by the present generation. The students should focus on their studies instead of indulging in unnecessary activities. They will succeed in life only when they work with a firm determination and objective, Rajen said.

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