Agriculture,Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Minister Shri V.Hangkhanlian today distributed 90 power tillers and 45 tractors to the beneficiaries from different parts of the state under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana at a function held in the campus of Directorate of Agriculture at Sanjenthong, Imphal. The function was organized by the Directorate of Agriculture, Manipur.

While addressing the gatherings, the Minister said the Department has brought up various new policies and strategies for doubling products and incomes of the farmers by 2022 under the initiative of the Government led by CM Shri N. Biren Singh. He further stated that there might be many applicants who have not receive the machinery this time, but assured that effort would be made for them to get next time. Most of the population of both hills and plains depend on agriculture. To increase the demand of the people of the state, the department has brought up new strategies in consultation with the scientist, the Central Agricultural University experts and the ICAR scientist. The Minister congratulated the beneficiaries and urged them to use the distributed machineries carefully to avoid untoward incident. He appealed to the farmers to follow this new strategies and use the distributed agricultural machineries so as to increase the agricultural products manifold.

As per the need of the farmers, other agricultural machineries will also be provided to the farmers. The department has planned to distribute small power tillers soon in the near future, he added.

The function was attended by Additional Chief Secretary Shri Suhel Akhtar, IAS, Director, Agriculture Dr. Ph. Rajen Singh, officials of the department and beneficiaries from different part of the state.

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